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We value the creative arts at Penruddock School. We believe that all children are artists and need to freedom and safety to explore this across a range of mediums within a wide variety of contexts. We aim to equip our learners with the knowledge and hands on experience within a wide range of skills and techniques, to enable them to express themselves artistically and grow in their creativity and expression. We look to inspire a joy of art, that not only helps them appreciate beauty around them, but also sparks their imaginations.

Firm foundations are set in EYFS through exploration and play, using a variety of media and materials. As they move up the school the children build upon these experiences to develop greater control, understanding and mastery of techniques and skills. These building blocks are key to supporting their journey through life as we acknowledge the importance of art and design in our community, in our economy and as a tool for aiding mental well-being.

As stated in the National Curriculum, our aim is to ensure that all pupils:

  • produce creative work, exploring their ideas and recording their experiences

  • become proficient in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art craft and design techniques

  • evaluate and analyse creative works using the language of art, craft and design

  • know about great artists, craft makers and designers, and understand the historical and cultural development of their art forms.

Our art curriculum covers the content of the National Curriculum programme of study but is organised using the progressive Chris Quigley’s Threshold Concepts and Milestones to ensure complete coverage with a particular emphasise on helping our learners with their progression through art.

Across each year, children will explore a range of media and techniques through their different units of work and topic based learning. These are identified within our curriculum mapping document found on the curriculum tab opposite and the skill progression document link below.

Please explore our gallery of recent projects below; if you have any questions related to our Art curriculum, please speak to Mrs Horner- our Art Subject Leader.

Skill Progression

Subject Gallery

LS Lowry print and painting art work in Blencathra

EYFS print work

Print making inspired by Orla Kiely and William Morris!

Visit from author Sean Perkins!

Helvellyn were following in the footsteps of Anthony Gormley and his 'Angel of the North' by exploring form in clay.

Skiddaw's take on Cezanne's still life paintings of fruit