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Our Curriculum

Penruddock Primary School's curriculum is personalised to meet the needs of all our children within our school context and is built upon our school values of 

   Friendship, Trust, Respect, Perseverance, Compassion and Community. 

These threads secure positive learning experiences for all our children and are key to the successful delivery of all our learning. They ensure our children are motivated to learn and enable academic growth within a safe and comfortable learning environment in which our children can achieve their best.

Our curriculum follows the National Curriculum for every subject but our cross-curricular topics or learning themes enable us to tailor the content to meet the needs and interests of our learners. Our classes are mixed age and so our curriculum runs on a two year rolling programme. We use Chris Quigley’s Essentials Curriculum and a selection of additional subject based schemes to ensure we deliver progressive skills in all subjects across the age ranges. Content and skills are carefully mapped to ensure all children experience and develop their age related content whilst building upon their prior learning and consolidating the skills and understanding from earlier learning themes.

If you would like to find out more about how we learn please scroll down to access our class based Curriculum Maps or access our subject pages on the menu to the right hand side.

Class Based Curriculum Maps

Blencathra - Early Years, Year 1 and Year 2
Helvellyn -Years 3 and 4
Skiddaw - Years 5 and 6

Schemes used to build our curriculum:

Chris Quigley Essential's Curriculum

Power Maths           

Little Wandle Phonics 

Rising Stars Spelling                             

Jigsaw RE  (in line with Westmorland and Furness Agreed RE Syllabus)

Purple Mash Computing      

Stem Learning Solutions Primary Science 

Charanga English Model Music Curriculum - (personalised to Penruddock School)       

Primary Language Network - French

Jigsaw - PSHE and RSE